Choosing Happiness
I am no stranger to the fact that life does not go according to plan. It almost never does. But that isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it is better than we could imagine and sometimes it is awful, but most of the time it just IS. When I was 13, I wanted to be a basketball player. I was a decent athlete, I probably could have played college ball, but I’d never have made it into the WNBA even if it had existed back in the day. A motorcycle accident when I was 14 years old put an end to that dream. So after some difficult teen years, I…
Getting Real
Two years after Groundhog Day. I am a fraud. I’ve been dishonest and it’s time to get real. I write in a journal fairly often, but not consistently. Since starting my blog about 18 months ago I’ve published six posts. I’ve written a few more that I didn’t want to publish for one reason or another. I started this blog to put my thoughts down but also to get some hope out there about Rheumatoid Disease (RD or Rheumatoid Arthritis – RA). In my first post, “I’m Comin’ Out” I wrote something I still get and believe, but that I’d like to discuss again. I said that I had found…
Power Struggles
I must admit that I am a control freak. I have learned, in certain areas of my life, to let go of that a bit. Kindergarten, for example, is no place for someone who seeks to control. The past eight years would have driven me insane had I not let go of my need to control everything. Have you ever spent time in a class of 4-6 year olds in August? There is no controlling that. In my personal life, however, I have always sought control. Some of my greatest accomplishments have been a direct result of this trait – earning two bachelor’s degrees, running a marathon. I like to…
I Can’t Even
I can’t do it. I just can’t. Not right now. I’ve tried, but it is just not in me right now. What am I struggling with? School. I’ve taught kindergarten for eight years and this is the FIRST time that, at this point in the summer, my classroom has not been re-organized and my next year plans have not been started. I haven’t even cleaned out my binder yet. I “tore down” my room according to my school’s policy, took my shit home and haven’t looked back. I am one solid month into summer and I’ve done almost nothing. I did weed through a TON of emails a few weeks…
I’m Comin’ Out!
I’m coming out of the closet. No, I’m not gay. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. There! It’s out there. I have not been “in the closet” long; my initial diagnosis came on February 2nd, 2018. I am not ashamed of my diagnosis. I just haven’t been in a place where I wanted to talk about it. This is partly because the diagnosis process has been a roller coaster ride. I usually LOVE roller coasters. This one? Not so much. There were some very scary low points in the past few months. Moments of darkness where I felt completely alone and there have been high…